President: Mrs. Adrienne Bevan
Email: GretaSB@rslnsw.org.au
38 Nelson St Greta NSW 2334
Vice Presidents: Mr. Jim Phillis
Hon. Secretary:
Ian McClure
Email: GretaSB@rslnsw.org.au
Hon. Treasurer: Allan Daly
Assistant Treasurer: Mrs. Doreen Phillis
Webmaster: Ian McClure
Greta Sub Branch
Greta RSL Sub-Branch Events Schedule for 2025
All Sub-Branch General Meetings will be held at the Greta Workers Club 11 am
on the second Sunday every second Month.
Next Meeting Sunday 9 February 2025 GENERAL MEETING
and Annual General Meeting.
Always looking for new members and Affiliate Members.
All Welcome to Attend.
New Members always welcome
Mrs. Adrienne Bevan
38 Nelson St Greta NSW 2334
Mobile: 0408 387 213
"The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance"
"Lest We Forget"